Monday, February 16, 2009

A poem.

This poem was given to me by two very good friends...

Old Clothes

Do you mind me approaching You in old clothes, Master?
They are so comfortable and easy.
Baggy where they need to be
they give when I move.
They are so much part of me that
I don't need to think about them.
New clothes make me self-conscious and so very careful about stains and creases.
When I go out in my new outfit
my thoughts revolve around myself.
How I look and feel,
how others think I look,
what impression I am giving. 
But when I'm in my old clothes my thoughts are free,
they fly in all directions
often winging their way to You, Lord.
So You won't mind if I don't dress up to talk to You?
It's no sign of disrespect
but rather of my belief in Your understanding
Your generous acceptance of me
Just As I Am
without frills or fancies.
Thank you, Lord, for that freedom.

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