Friday, December 21, 2007


I really like nativity scenes. We have one at the rectory which is very beautiful which I'm sure someone spared no expense in buying it. I just really really really hate the fact that in almost all nativities, there is the baby Jesus with his arms outstreached. Granted, I'm not around babies most of my day, but I'm willing to bet that most of them don't hang out with their arms spread wide open. Maybe I'm wrong, but I'm guessing Jesus didn't do it either. I've been on the lookout for a nativity set for a couple years now, and there are one or two out there which doesn't have the baby Jesus looking for a hug, but of course, those figures are bland and have almost no detail. Why can't anyone make one where Jesus is like any other baby? Is that so freaking hard to ask?

1 comment:

wezlo said...

You want Jesus to be depicted as human? Are you nuts????!!!!

What I hate is that the wise men are in most nativity scenes - they don't belong there...